A Boeing 707 re-engining programme involving between 250 and 300 military and commercial aircraft has moved a step closer with the delivery of the first new Pratt & Whitney (P&W) JT8D-219 engine for certification flight testing.

Seven Q Seven (SQS) will carry out the flight testing, while demonstrator flights with the first JT8D-219 installed on the number one engine begin this month.

P&W says three more engines will be installed later this year for flight testing that will lead to certification by the second quarter of 2000.

It adds that the upgrade will probably be sold on about 50 commercial aircraft, while US and foreign military aircraft such as JSTARS, AWACS and KC-135s will make up the rest of the potential sales opportunities. These aircraft currently use P&W TF33 (JT3D) engines, the original powerplant for the 707 family.

The JT8D-219 will provide a significant reduction in fuel consumption and increased range, while meeting ICAO emission limits and Stage 3 noise requirements, says P&W.

Source: Flight Daily News