A new diploma dedicated to aerostructure technicians has been created by the French government.

The French education and labour ministries co-operated to create the new diploma, which acts as a third option as part of the aerospace national vocational qualification (NVQ) in France.

It aims to produce technicians trained to work with next-generation aircraft structures – for example to provide aerospace construction and maintenance workshops with fitters, welders and sheet-metal workers who can work with both metallic and composite structures.

Four to five training programmes involving the new diploma are scheduled to start in September, with one in each of France’s main aerospace regions. Initially, 60-80 places will be available each year either in apprenticeship training centres or technical schools.

In the Paris/Ile-de-France area, the NVQ will be taught at CFA Métiers de l’Aérien, which has run a pilot aerostructure programme over the last two years. The training programme is aimed at both already-employed technicians looking to increase their skills and job-seekers. It will be managed by training provider AFPA (Association pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes).

Source: Flight International
