GOKBEY_7-c-Turkish Aerospace


TAI performs cold-weather tests on Gokbey helicopter

Turkish Aerospace (TAI) has completed low-altitude cold-weather testing of its T625 Gokbey medium-twin helicopter, operating in temperatures down to -30°C (-22°F).

609 AC5 FAA Flight-9-c-Leonardo Helicopters


FAA pilots carry out familiarisation flight on newest AW609 tiltrotor

Leonardo Helicopters continues to progress the certification of its AW609 tiltrotor, with pilots from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) having now flown the first production-conforming aircraft.

PHI H160-c-Airbus Helicopters


Airbus Helicopters chief stays upbeat on H160 despite lacklustre 2024 sales

Airbus Helicopters chief executive Bruno Even has played down fears over the sales performance of its H160, following a year in which the airframer booked just four orders for the new medium-twin.

Japan’s National Police Agency becomes new H160 operator


Japanese police receive two H160s

Japan’s National Police Agency has taken delivery of a pair of Airbus Helicopters H160 medium-twins, becoming the type’s first parapublic operator in Japan.

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