All Orders & deliveries articles – Page 204

  • News

    Olympic takes 717s on Bavaria lease


    Olympic Aviation accepted two Boeing 717-200s at Long Beach, California, on 7 January and plans to begin services with the new aircraft by the end of this month. The 717s have been leased from Bavaria International Aircraft Leasing, which placed firm orders for five aircraft in May 1998. Four of ...

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    Satcoms progress


    Back in the 20th century, they said people would not want telephones on airliners; that they did not wish to be contactable while they dozed in comfort or ate a fine meal. How times have changed. In the 21st century, passengers slip on virtual reality glasses and join the crew ...

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    The sky's...the limit


    UAVs will not be able to fill their potential unless the regulations governing their use in civil airspace change Proponents of the unmanned air vehicle (UAV) are keen to describe a future in which pilotless aircraft deliver mail overnight, monitor political troublespots, patrol borders in search of drug smugglers ...

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    China tax threatens leasing company growth


    A new Chinese tax on aircraft operating leases is emerging as a potential threat to leasing companies hoping to profit from expectations that China's airline industry will grow at a faster-than-average rate over the next 20 years. The new withholding tax was quietly introduced by the Chinese Government, effective ...

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    My view - Phil Condit, Chairman and Chief Executive, Boeing


    The American people recently selected the three most significant aviation achievements of the 20th century. They chose the Wright brothers' first flight, Charles Lindbergh's crossing of the Atlantic, and the development of the Boeing 747. I think that is pretty good company. The 747 has helped make our world ...

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    Air Seychelles has signed a 10-year lease deal with ILFC for a General Electric CF6-80C2-powered Boeing 767-300ER, for delivery in April 2001. Swiss charter carrier Edelweiss Air has agreed to lease a new Airbus A330-200 from CIT Group from the fourth quarter of 2000. The Rolls-Royce Trent 772B-powered A330-200 is ...

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    Family rivalry


    For decades, Cathay Pacific has dominated the skies over Hong Kong, unchallenged by local airline competition. That could soon change Andrzej Jeziorski/HONG KONG Hong Kong's skies are still clearly divided as far as the region's indigenous airlines are concerned and are dominated by well-established long-haul giant Cathay Pacific Airways. Cathay ...

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    Wolfsberg-Evektor sets date for prototype Raven first flight


    Andrew Doyle/PRAGUE Czech/Belgian joint venture Wolfsberg-Evektor Aircraft aims to fly its prototype eight-passenger Raven in May, in time for the utility aircraft to be exhibited at the Farnborough air show in July. The Raven, powered by two 223kW (300hp) Teledyne Continental IO-550-Ns, is built at Evektor-Aerotechnik's factory in ...

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    Irish lessor Pembroke confirms its deal to boost 717 orders


    Pembroke has placed orders for 15 more Boeing 717-200s and taken a further 15 options, raising its total commitment for the 100-seater to 50 aircraft, of which half are firm orders. The Irish lessor's plans for the follow-on order have been revealed exclusively by Flight International in September (1-7 ...

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    Boeing adds 163 'unidentified' orders to swell backlog list


    Graham Warwick/WASHINGTON DC Boeing has added 163 aircraft to its firm order backlog by revoking its policy of not listing sales to unidentified customers. The aircraft, ordered over the past two years, are valued at $9 billion. The US manufacturer says its move to "adopt an industry-wide practice" ...

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    United Parcel Service (UPS) has decided to accelerate the acquisition of its new Airbus A300-600 freighters, with the delivery of seven aircraft next year instead of the four originally planned. The airline holds firm orders for 30 Pratt & Whitney PW4158-powered A300s plus 30 options, with deliveries due between next ...

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    Dash 8 Q400 ready to deliver to SAS after three month delay


    Paul Lewis/WASHINGTON DC Bombardier plans to deliver the first Dash 8 Q400 turboprop by the end of the month - up to three months late - following European Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) certification. SAS Commuter will be the first carrier to receive the stretched 66-78-seat version of the ...

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    German leasing new entrant to acquire A320/737 portfolio


    Deutsche Operating Leasing (DOL) expects to order a mix of 18 Airbus A320 family aircraft and Boeing Next Generation 737s early next year and to bolster its fledgling regional jet portfolio with a series of airline sale and lease-back deals. The company, set up by Germany's BfG Bank in ...

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    JetBlue ready as first A320


    New York-based low-fare startup JetBlue Airways has taken delivery of the first of at least 32 International Aero Engines V2500-powered Airbus A320s. The airline has received one of seven aircraft to be taken on operating lease - two from Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise and five from International Lease Finance - ...

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    Manx/British Regional Airlines is to boost its BAe 146 fleet to four aircraft with the acquisition of an ex-Ansett Australia 146-300. The aircraft will enter service next March in time for the summer schedules. Pegasus Aviation has acquired a Boeing MD-83, which is currently on lease to German charter operator, ...

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    Midway starts to boost its Eastern US network


    Midway Airlines plans to bolster frequencies, capacity and reduce seat kilometre costs on its eastern US network with the delivery this month of the first of 17 Boeing 737-700s. It will also receive further smaller, 50-seat, Bombardier Canadair Regional Jets (CRJs) next year. The carrier, based in Raleigh/ Durham, ...

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    GB ready for A320 expansion


    Max Kingsley-Jones/LONDON British Airways franchise airline GB Airways is gearing up for expansion under new leadership, aiming to benefit from the UK flag carrier's short-haul restructuring. The independent, based at London Gatwick, will take delivery of the first of at least 10 Airbus A320 family aircraft in May. ...

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    Wet-lease specialist Air Atlanta Icelandic has taken two more Rolls-Royce RB211-powered Boeing 747-200s from Cathay Pacific on two-year leases, with an option to extend. Meanwhile, Air Atlanta has placed one 747-300 each with Saudi Arabian and Garuda on wet-lease. Royal Jordanian has leased a General Electric CF6-powered, ex-Emirates A310-300 from ...

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    JFK Reconstructs


    CAROLE SHIFRIN NEW YORK Billions of dollars are being pumped into New York's once run-down Kennedy airport to make the USA's east coast gateway fit for the 21st century A largely faded symbol of the new world of international aviation, New York's John F Kennedy International Airport is undergoing a ...

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    In Brief


    Vanguard to boost short-haul Kansas-based Vanguard Airlines has signed a letter of intent to lease six Boeing 737-200s from US Airways Leasing &Sales for delivery in the first quarter of next year. By expanding its fleet of 13 737-200s the airline says it will be able to pursue its ...