It was a marriage many said could not last and some tried to stop happening. But like many unlikely unions, the 1974 coming together of General Electric and Snecma (today, GE Aerospace and Safran Aircraft Engines) has endured and prospered. Fifty years on, their creation, CFM International, is the most successful jet engine company in commercial aviation history. Its products, the CFM56 and the LEAP engine, power much of the world’s fleet.
In this special content package to celebrate CFM’s milestone anniversary we chart the history of the partnership, while chief executive Gael Meheust discusses its present and future.
We look at CFM’s unique structure and production set-up which involves twin final assembly operations and parallel supply chains across many countries.
We examine what makes the CFM56 and LEAP engines different to the competition, and the potentially game-changing technologies going into the RISE project.
We also outline how CFM looks after its customers through an extensive service network and is using innovative ways to drive down their operating costs.
In addition, we have interviews with four of the latest generation of talented CFM engineers.
CFM International at 50
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CFM International at 50
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