ACSS has secured certification to upgrade its XS-950 Mode S transponder that sends information to other aircraft through automatic surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) functionality.

After achieving DO-260A compliance the transponder is now certificated for installation on Airbus narrow and widebody aircraft.

The enhanced transponder allows for higher levels of performance on aircraft using ADS-B "out" to send aircraft speed, altitude, intent and flight identification to other aircraft within a 100nm (185km) radius.

ACSS chief operating offer Cole Hedden tells Flight Daily News only a minor software upgrade would be necessary if industry declares DO-260B as the standard, he says.

The company expects the enhanced transponder function to become the baseline for surveillance throughout the world, and will support future ADS-B "in" applications for Airbus aircraft.

ACSS remains on schedule to certificate ADS-B in functionality as part of its T3CAS integrated surveillance system for Airbus A320, A330 and A340 models later this year.

Included in T3CAS are software applications allowing for in-trail procedures, vertical separation on approach and a surface position and traffic awareness programme.

Source: Flight Daily News