Rolls-Royce has contracted US systems manufacturer Parker Aerospace to supply ancillary equipment for the Trent XWB-97 engine that is to exclusively power the planned large-capacity Airbus A350-1000 variant.

The deal covers pneumatic valves for the aircraft's bleed air system, anti-icing installations and the engine's turbine case cooling. Parker will also supply oil pumps, hydraulic tubes and hoses, and high-temperature fuel supply hoses.



The first components are to be delivered to Rolls-Royce in late 2013, with initial ground testing of the engine model due to follow in 2014, says Parker.

The first flight of the A350-1000 is scheduled for 2016.

Aside from developing and manufacturing the equipment, Parker will also provide aftermarket support for its components over the life of the engine programme.

Source: Flight Daily News