• Israel Aircraft Industries has named three new chief accountants: Jacob Vistanetzky at Bedek Aviation, Eyal Nahum at Commercial Aircraft and Doron Zakai at Systems, Missiles & Space.
  • Safran has appointed Labinal head Philippe Petitcolin as chairman and chief executive of Snecma. Labinal North America's president Norman Jordan will replace him.
  • Nordam has named Raymond Siegfried vice-president of business and general aviation markets and strategic resources.
  • Bob Sobey has been chosen as programme manager for the Bell Boeing CV-22, replacing Charlie Griffin, now Bell Helicopter V-22 programme manager.
  • Doug Greenlaw has been named director of Raytheon Virtual Technology.
  • Northrop Grumman has named Timothy Winter vice-president of market development for Electronic Systems.
  • Anthony Jones is taking on the role of vice-president training systems and services for the support systems unit of Boeing's Integrated Defense Systems. Boeing has also named David Withers as managing director, Boeing Australia and Mike Cave vice-president of business strategy and marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

Source: Flight International