• Michael Caban has taken on the role of director of sales and marketing at Superior Air Parts.
  • Aero Gear has selected Brian Moriarty to head its new design engineering department.
  • Orbital Sciences has named Carl Marchetto executive vice-president and general manager of its space systems group.
  • Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific Airways has named company veteran Kenny Tang as chief executive-designate of Dragonair, to replace Stanley Hui.
  • Safran's vice-president for quality Xavier Lagarde is replacing Grégoire Olivier as chief executive of the company's communications business following the former Sagem head's sudden resignation. Safran says Olivier announced his decision to quit the company at a board meeting last month, causing "surprise" among some of the other directors. No reason has been given for Olivier's departure. Meanwhile, Yves Imbert has been appointed adviser to the chairman. Dominique Hédon replaces Imbert as executive vice-president, strategy and development. Senior vice-president international development François Courtot also becomes chairman and chief executive of Safran USA.

Source: Flight International