Martin Siegrist has joined Lease Corporation International as technical vice-president, from Swiss International Air Lines. Space Shuttle programme deputy manager Kim Doering has joined United Space Alliance as vice-president of its Huntsville operations. Patrick Stringer has joined Qantas as Hanoi-based Asia group general manager for strategy and new business. Gulfstream has promoted Larry Flynn to replace the retiring Raynor Reavis as senior vice-president marketing and sales. London Underground chief operating officer Mike Brown will replace Mark Bullock as managing director of London Heathrow Airport. SIA Engineering chief financial officer Chin Sak Hin is moving to the same role at Tiger Airways. R A Werner Diehl will step down as supervisory board chairman at Diehl Stiftung next month, to be replaced by deputy chairman Claus Manz-Siebje. Willy Buysee will be managing director of Sabena Technics in Brussels. Paul-Jerome Evette is moving within EADS Defence and Security to be chief executive of Test & Services. Zane Rowe will replace the retiring Jeff Misner as Continental Airlines chief financial officer.

Source: Flight International