Ansett is to create a new Singapore office, headed by vice-president (VP) sales Jon O'Connell. It also plans a new strategic development group, to be headed by Crispin Maunder, who is promoted to executive VP strategic development from executive VP sales and marketing. VP sales (Americas) Steve Travis has been named executive VP sales.

John Ross has been appointed chief executive of Canadian maintenance specialist Vanguard Aviation.

Enstrom Helicopter has reorganised its top management, creating three new positions: chief operating officer (Frank Gallagher), director of product support (Bayard duPont) and marketing manager (Michele DeLuco). Rick Riddell has also been appointed director of quality assurance.

Communications specialist Harris has appointed Howard Lance as president and chief executive, replacing Phillip Farmer, who is retiring.

Parc Aviation has named Sean Butler as director of sales and marketing and Jim Duggan as head of training at subsidiary Avtec Aviation Services.

ATA Holdings, parent company of American Trans Air, has named Charles Cleaver VP and treasurer. He was formerly director of aircraft programmes for the airline.

Source: Flight International