Voronezh-based airframer VASO has conducted the maiden flight of the first Russian-built Antonov An-148, a twin-jet destined for delivery to Rossiya.

The aircraft, weighing 33t and registered RA-61701, took off on 19 July at 14:00 for a 41min flight.

United Aircraft Corporation says the jet reached an altitude of 5,000m (16,400ft) and a speed of just under 300kt.

"The crew evaluated characteristic speeds, controllability and stability of the aircraft and checked functioning of on-board systems," it adds.

"Upon completion of the first sortie the aircraft was rendered ready for certification and customer-acceptance trials."

An-148 first flight

Rossiya An-148

United Aircraft says the certification flight-test programme will begin later this week, with a 2hr 30min flight scheduled during which the An-148 will attain an altitude of 11,000m.

It states that the crew will perform a variety of engine tests, and assess the control surfaces and communications equipment.

United Aircraft says the An-148 was crewed by VASO test pilot Gennady Ryabov and Antonov flight-test crew member Sergei Troshin during the 19 July trials.

Source: Flight International