PIPER AIRCRAFT has markedly increased its 1995 production plan from the 134 aircraft promised last September to a new figure of 173.

That compares with 132 in 1994 and 99 in 1993. The Super Cub tail-dragger has been dropped for 1995 - 24 were built in 1994 - and the last four fixed-gear Dakotas, will be delivered this year.

There will be big increases in production of the fixed-gear Warrior III and retractable-gear Archer III trainers, from nine to 23 and 19 to 40, respectively. Production of the Malibu Mirage high-performance single will grow, from 28 in 1994 to 41 in 1995.

Output of Saratoga IIHP six-seat singles will be raised from 20 to 27, while production of the Seneca IV six-seat twin will increased from 24 to 32. The Seminole four-seat twin is back in production for 1995, with three to be built. Three retractable-gear Arrows, will also be produced, up from one in 1993.

Mooney plans to increase production of its high-performance piston singles to 96 in 1995, up from 71 in 1994 and 64 in 1993. The company says that it has sold 50 Ovations since the aircraft was introduced in mid-1994.

Source: Flight International