The privatisation of Air Niugini is to be launched this week by Papua New Guinea prime minister Sir Mekere Morauta in a process to be overseen by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Air Niugini is seeking an equity-based alliance, with an unspecified minority stake to be sold by tender to an industry buyer by March, followed in 12-18 months by a public flotation featuring substantial local ownership.

Peter Roberts, former managing director of Air Vanuatu and an ex-Qantas executive, is to be chief executive of the loss-making carrier. His team includes David Wiltshire, also ex-Qantas.

Potential investors include Qantas (involved in an earlier plan to manage Air Niugini), Air New Zealand/Ansett and Singapore Airlines. Studies are also ongoing into PNG's regulatory structure and aviation infrastructure.

Source: Flight International
