Turbomeca hopes to report a net profit this year on the back of a possible 20% growth in production for 1998. The French turbine engine manufacturer reached break-even last year after four years of losses and is on course to improve its financial position still further this year.

Deliveries last year totalled 614 new engines ,with 973 repaired - itself a 20% rise on 1996. After another successful 12 months, the Bordes-based company anticipates a similar growth this year to maintain its recovery. Some 66% of sales are for export, says marketing chief Guillaume Giscard d'Estaing.

The company, which is now owned by Labinal, claims to have increased its share of the global helicopter turboshaft market from 14% to 24% between 1977 and 1996. D'Estaing says that its position in the civil market is much stronger, amounting to a "share of more like 40%".

Source: Flight International