Qantas is testing Teledyne Controls' Wireless GroundLink, which allows flight data information to be downloaded from an aircraft to an airline's base using cellular networks.

The Australian carrier is testing Wireless GroundLink on a Boeing 747-400 on services to New York, with flight operations information such as performance data downloaded at New York via Sprint Communications' cellular network to Qantas' Sydney base. Next month, the Teledyne radios will be upgraded to allow transmissions worldwide, says Tamas Igloi, marketing director of Teledyne's flight data services.

Flight data information is usually transferred by disks, tapes or PC cards. Using existing cellular networks eliminates risks and delays involved in traditional transfer methods, says Teledyne, adding that a dedicated infrastructure at the airport is not required. Teledyne is close to securing a US trial airline, says Igloi, while an uplink capability is under development.

Source: Flight International