Extra Flugzeugbau is expected to emerge from insolvency by the end of the month as talks between the administrator and the new owner draw to a close.

The Düsseldorf, Germany-based company, which will assume a new trading name with the Extra prefix remaining, says its priority is to resume flight testing of its EA-500 single-engined turboprop. "Testing was put on hold at the end of January when the company fell into insolvency. We want to get back on track and certificate the aircraft as soon as possible," it says.

Ground testing of the 450shp (335kW) Rolls-Royce 250-powered EA-500, a business aircraft derivative of the EA-400 six-seat piston, is complete and German certification is expected by early next year.

Production of the two-seat, aerobatic EA-300 has continued under administration.

Source: Flight International