How would you like to be strapped into the open bomb bay of an F-117 stealth fighter and subjected to hours of aerobatics and high G manoeuvres?  

That was the treatment meted out to the latest digital flight recorder from Metrum-Datatape,(Hall 1, stand D17) and it passed the test with flying colours, he says.

The 32HE High Environment recorder also passed stringent "cats and traps" tests at the US Navy's Patuxent River, Maryland, test centre, aimed at simulating severe aircraft carrier take-offs and landings.  

The 32HE is currently being flown on F-18, F-117, C-17 and F-16 aircraft. Fitted with PCM, voice and IRIG inputs, it will also soon fly on Apache helicopters.  

The recorder uses a single S-VHS cartridge to store up to 13.7Gbytes of data.

Source: Flight Daily News