Embraer came to Paris in confident mood, having announced a 14-strong contract for its 110-seat E-195 twinjet from UK low-cost regional FlyBe a week earlier to avoid the order rush at the show.  The Brazilian manufacturer also joined Airbus and Boeing with a deal in India, where start-up Paramount Airways is to lease two 70-seat E-170s and three 78-seat E-175s for its August launch.

Another factor in common with the larger manufacturers was the issue of state loans, with Embraer keeping a careful eye on the financial support packages from the Canadian and UK governments for Bombardier’s CSeries jet.

The Brazilian manufacturer, which has had runs ins on this issue itself in the past, announced at the show agreement on a syndicated $180 million loan backed by the International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of the World Bank, for the final investment in the E-190/195 programme. Embraer also notched up a deal with lessor GECAS for 20 E-190s.

Bombardier has turned to near neighbour Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) as the most likely provider of engines to power its proposed CSeries 110-130 seater airliner family into service. Earlier this year the Canadian manufacturer had struggled, and failed, to convince CFM and International Aero Engines to develop new centreline engines for the CSeries.

Bombardier wants an engine that can deliver a “15% cash operating cost advantage over current aircraft”, including Embraer’s E-190 family. P&WC has been studying a new engine in the 20,000lb thrust class and has extended this to 16,000-23,000lb to meet cover Bombardier’s needs. As the two companies discuss details, Bombardier hopes to fully launch the CSeries twinjet family this autumn, says programme director Gary Scott.

The manufacturer intends to deliver its first CSeries “no later than 2010”, he says. Although the CSeries will be four years behind the E-190, Scott believes that the aircraft will have better operating economics and a five-abreast cabin compared to the four-abreast featured on Embraer’s airliner. In addition the replacement market starts at the end of this decade, he says.

The turboprop makers also had their best air show for years, with ATR booking orders for 20 new aircraft, while Bombardier booked orders for four Q400s from FlyBe. ATR says it has secured orders for 50 new aircraft this year alone, proving that the turboprop market is recovering well.

Source: Airline Business