We are very proud that one of our aircraft is featured on page 16 of your October issue together with the article on the European Regions Airline Association. I, for one, always enjoy reading your magazine.

Unfortunately, that aircraft has the markings of Regional Airlines that, together with Proteus and Flandre Air, ceased operations in March 2001 to be merged into the present airline named Régional, headquarters in Nantes, with maintenance facilities in Clermont-Ferrand and Lille. I may say it has been a successful and smooth merger especially if you consider the 2001/2/3 environment that airlines have had to weather.

Turnover and passenger numbers were increased by 25-30% to €450 million ($530 million) and 3 million passengers, the fleet and network were trimmed and optimised and we went from heavy losses to near profitability.

Jacques Bankir,Chairman and Chief Executive,Régional,Nantes,France

Source: Airline Business