All articles by Rob Coppinger – Page 17
London-New York via space
Could suborbital flight be a substitute for intercontinental supersonic transport?
Virtual UK UAV airspace integration testing success
A three-day virtual unmanned air vehicle exercise that saw aircraft successfully avoided in the synthetic airspace environment has been completed...
Italian Space Agency plans its relaunch
Italy is a prime mover in European space programmes, but its national ambitions could be affected by ESA budget needs
Congress told: make NTSB official space accident investigator
A commercial human spaceflight safety report for Congress has recommended that new legislation should be passed to put the US government's National...
NASA has two weeks to avoid Hubble May deadline miss
NASA has confirmed it will be unable to launch the Hubble Space Telescope fourth and final servicing mission until...
NASA studies Constellation acceleration optons
Accelerating the Constellation programme is the focus of a NASA study that is expected to report its findings in early December...
ESA's BepiColombo mission's costs balloon
The cost estimates for the joint European Space Agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) double-spacecraft BepiColombo...
Armadillo wins NASA lunar lander challenge
Texas based-rocket developer Armadillo Aerospace has won the $350,000 Northrop...
Little progress means no change for US space tourism rules
A lack of progress in space tourism's development is expected to mean there will be no change in US rules for the industry. The country's informed waiver...
EASA's space tourism approach requires certification
The European Aviation Safety Agency has unveiled its proposed regulatory approach for suborbital aircraft at a space...
ESA's Zefiro success points way to Vega 2009 first flight
On 23 October the European Launch Vehicle Vega rocket's third-stage motor Zefiro 9-A completed its penultimate 120s firing...
CSTS service module design updated
The service module of the proposed Crew Space Transportation System (CSTS) had its design modified during October, while in Bremen there were further discussions about the project's workshare.
Annular combustion is key to green aviation say experts
Research into single-annular combuster architectures and lean injection systems must be intensified for Europe to meet its environmental aviation goals. This...
Final firing test of Japan's H-IIB first stage set for February
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expects to conduct the captive firing test of Japan's new H-IIB...
Congress demands US rocket engine report
A report on the US industry's ability to develop rocket engines must be supplied to the US Congress by 15 January. The demand for the report is contained...
NASA Lunar Lander technology to be field tested next year
NASA will next year field-test the laser altimeter, camera and flash light detection and ranging (lidar) technology that its Altair Lunar Lander could use...
NASA says Ares I could send payload to the Moon
NASA has concluded that a single Ares I crew launch vehicle could send a 454kg (998lb) payload to the Moon using a 1,750kg robotic lander. The US space...
Aero Sekur's inflatable heat shield passes re-entry test
Flexible material specialist Aero Sekur's Spacecrew Emergency Module has passed what the company calls...
Congress tells NASA to start green aviation research initiative
The US Congress has directed NASA to develop and demonstrate technologies that enable commercial aircraft to achieve noise levels on approach, take-off and...
Congress takes first step to funding ISS to 2020
NASA has until July 2009 to produce a plan to extend the life of the International Space Station to 2020, according to new US legislation. The ISS...