All articles by Rob Coppinger – Page 2
Electric propulsion set to get even smaller
Electric propulsion systems far smaller than anything previously flown could be ready for deployment by 2012, enabling the US Air Force's very small satellites...
NASA’s private-sector launch champions move closer to lift-off
Successful rocket engine ground-test firings have taken Space Exploration Technologies and Orbital Sciences a step closer to filling their roles as key private-sector launch contractors to NASA.
Japan's Planet-C probe gets May launch date
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has set the launch date of 18 May for its Venus orbiter Atasuki, or Planet-C.
Blended wing body is NASA's green focus
NASA hopes new research can realise the huge fuel savings promised by a radical shift from traditional airframe shapes
BAE Systems to continue work on Mantis UAV
BAE Systems has been awarded a contract to continue work on the UK's Mantis unmanned air vehicle demonstrator ...
ESA studies Space Station life extension
The International Space Station's multinational partners are working on plan to keep the orbital outpost in use until 2028
NASA could buy plasma engine for station reboost services
Offering super-efficienct thrust, an electric engine concept promises to deliver a new age of rocket power
Europe aims for an end to tooling
Shaped metal deposition promises to slash costs and speed production compared with traditional machining techniques
Congress to dump Obama NASA plan
White House plans to axe NASA's return-to-the-Moon Constellation programme and ground the Space Shuttle have sparked unified opposition from Congress...
Selex Galileo parks enhanced Falco UAV
Selex Galileo has put on hold an enlarged version of its Falco UAV, but is eyeing the type for multi-intelligence missions ...
Space station finally gets its window
The International Space Station crew now have a better view of the station's exterior after the installation of the cupola window and the last major habitable...
UK could use plutonium in space nuclear power demonstration
The European Space Agency Harwell site will research nuclear power for spacecraft, but who provides the plutonium?
Hydraulics: so last century
Electric motors seem like an obvious improvement on oil-filled pipes and heavy pumps, but the switch will not be easy
UK sets up space leadership council
The UK government is to set up a leadership council for the spaceflight industry as it nears a decision on what to call its new space agency...
European Defence Agency to fund UAV integration demonstration
In 2011 a medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned air vehicle could be controlled via satellite over western Europe in a proposed demonstration that will help set standards for the 2015 introduction of military and civil UAVs in non-segregated airspace.
PICTURE: Boeing reveals commercial crew capsule
Boeing has revealed its capsule concept for NASA's $50 million Commercial Crew Development (CCD) initiative
Obama's commercial spaceflight incurs political wrath
President Barack Obama’s 2011 budget has ended NASA’s 2020 Moon programme while privatising manned spacecraft, incurring the wrath of politicians even before the agency...
NASA gets $500 million for commercial crew
NASA is to get $500 million for its commercial crew transport programme under President Barack Obama's fiscal year 2011 budget request for the agency of...
NASA's new budget cancels Constellation programme
NASA's return to the Moon Constellation programme has been cancelled under president Barack Obama's fiscal year 2011 budget request after billions of dollars...