Rolls-Royce and Singapore Airlines (SIA) signed a 10-year TotalCare deal yesterday at the show to cover the in-service support for the Trent 500 engines that power the airline's fleet of five Airbus A340-500s.

The contract, the first of its kind between the engine manufacturer and SIA, was finalised in the early hours of morning.

John Cheffins, chief operating officer and president, civil aerospace of Rolls-Royce, presented General Bey Soo Khiang, SIA's executive vice-president (technical), with a special Trent 500 fan blade to mark the deal.


Nick Devall, executive vice-president - airlines for Rolls-Royce, says: "We're delighted to be able to make this special presentation to SIA and to welcome them as the sixth Trent 500 customer to sign up to TotalCare." The others are China Eastern Airlines, Iberia, Lufthansa, South African Airways and Virgin Atlantic.

"TotalCare contracts cover more than 60% of the Trent fleet and this agreement further underlines the appeal of such services, which transfer the risk of fleet management away from airlines," says Devall. "Customers have complete budget visibility through agreed costs per flying hour."


Source: Flight Daily News