Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA) and Singapore's Changi Airport Group have signed a memorandum of understanding to be 'sister airports', an accord under which they will help each other with staff training and collaborate on projects.

The 'sister airports' arrangement was signed at Routes on Sunday in Beijing by Changi Airport Group CEO, Lee Seow Hiang, and president and CEO of BCIA, Dong Zhiyi.

"Under the MoU, both parties will collaborate through joint projects, seminars and staff training in areas including airport management, air hub development, airport planning, commercial management and service quality evaluation," the companies say. "The exchange of secondees for on-the-job training is also envisaged,"

"BCIA is an important hub airport and a key gateway to China," says Lee at Changi, referring to how Beijing airport is working to position itself as the gateway for northeast Asia.

Lee says the two airports are looking to further develop their respective hubs and this MoU "sets a good foundation for Changi and BCIA to build upon".

A Changi Airport Group spokeswoman says this is the first time the Singapore airport has signed a such a formal 'sister airport' agreement with an overseas airport.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news