The Russian Regional Jet (RRJ) programme took off yesterday with a $1 billion order for 50 aircraft with 10 options. Manufacturer Sukhoi signed the deal with Sibir.

The first five aircraft, in a baseline 95-seat configuration, are due for delivery in the fourth quarter of 2007.

For Sukhoi, it marks a milestone event in its strategy to enter the civil market with a regional jet family.

The three-aircraft 60-100 seat family of aircraft is being offered in three fuselage lengths - RRJ-60, RRJ-75 and RRJ-95 - in standard and long-range variants. All aircraft are powered by Snecma/NPO Saturn SM146 engines.

RRJ will be the first Russian aircraft designed from the outset to meet Western certification standards, as a prerequisite for selling the aircraft to Western airlines.

Sukhoi believes there is a market for more than 600 aircraft.

In addition to Sibir, Sukhoi has been talking to Russian airline UTair and leasing firm FLC. UTair has been quoted as saying it intends to order RRJs later this year.


Michael Baughan, senior vice-president and general manager, said: "Sukhoi has done a lot of good work in ensuring that passengers have good quality living space in the cabin."

Sukhoi general director Mikhail Pogosyan said: "This demonstrates our intention to enter the regional aircraft market and to meet the requirements of this market."

The Sukhoi programme is being carried out in partnership with Ilyushin, Yakovlev and Boeing.



Source: Flight Daily News