Ryanair is reversing its policy of stripping onboard services to the bare minimum by offering in-flight entertainment (IFE). From November the airline will be conducting a trial of a portable video system developed by Seattle-based IFE developer APS on five aircraft operating out of London Stansted.

The device, which is the same size and weight as a portable DVD player, will offer passengers films, cartoons, sport and music videos. If successful, the system will be rolled out to all aircraft in the Ryanair fleet from March next year.

Initially 24 units will be carried on each flight and offered to passengers for £5 ($9). The carrier will require passports to be surrendered and returned when the player is handed back at the end of the flight. According to Michael O'Leary, Ryanair chief executive, the carrier needs a 3% take up for the service to be viable. Alaska Airlines has had the system in place for the past year, while KLM plans to offer it on European Boeing 737 business class flights.

Source: Airline Business