Saab-BAE Systems has signed a deal with Rafael to offer the Israeli company's weapons on the Gripen fighter. A first flight of a Gripen with colour cockpit displays has also been completed.

The Rafael agreement increases the range of weapons offered as standard with the aircraft. Similar deals exist with Kentron, MBDA, Raytheon and Saab-Bofors Dynamics.

Initially, the agreement covers the Python 4 short-range, infrared-guided air-to-air missile, and the Spice precision guided air-to-surface munition. Both will be offered as customer options.

Saab-BAE says the deal will also cover additional weapons as they become available. Rafael recently unveiled the Derby radar-guided air-to-air weapon and is developing a version of its Popeye TV-guided air-to-surface missile.

Colour cockpit displays are part of Saab-BAE's development plan for the aircraft.

Source: Flight International