A further episode in the controversy arising from the decision of the late Government to sell jet engines to Russia was heard on June 23rd, in an adjournment debate initiated by Mr. George Wigg (Labour, Dudley), who referred to a statement by the Minister of Supply that the sale of these engines undoubtedly had the effect of reducing by about two years Britain's lead in the development of such engines, compared with the progress in Russia.

Mr R. A. Low, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply, said that it was estimated that in 1946 we had a lead of some five years over the Russians in the development of jet engines. As a result of the development of 35 Nenes and 30 Derwents to Russia between 1946 and 1948, that position was very much changed. In July 1948, the Russians had a prototype of the Mig-15 using the Rolls-Royce Nene engine. By October of the following year, the Mig-15 had reached Russian fighter squadrons and an almost exact copy of the Nene engine was being produced in quantity.

Source: Flight International
