Significant savings are on offer to air forces if they adopt Flight Refuelling's new ejection system on their practice bomb racks.

The Cold Gas Cartridge (CGC) is the central feature of the British company's new CBLS 2000 practice bomb carrier, which is being launched at Dubai 2000. This uses high pressure nitrogen or pure air stored in a removable cartridge, as opposed to using pyrotechnic cartridges, to eject stores from bomb racks.

The new CGC system can be retrofitted to the company's existing bomb racks, which use so-called "hot gas" cartridges."This significantly reduces maintenance, spares and life-cycle costs for the carrier, and requires no modifications to existing 'hot gas' carriers," says Philip Reid, sales and marketing manager for weapon carriage and release systems. He says the new system will go into production next year and has already attracted a lot of interest in the Middle East.

Source: Flight Daily News