Marconi Avionics has announced the award of a contract by the German federal procurement office (BWB) for Seaspray radars that will equip German navy Lynx helicopters.

The contract is valued at more than £15 million ($24 million) and is the largest order for Seaspray radars to be awarded to the company.

The contract will ensure continued production of Seaspray radars in Edinburgh, Scotland, until 2002. The order builds on 30 years of association between the Seaspray radar and the GKN Westland Lynx helicopter, during which time Marconi has supplied more than 400 radars.

The award of the radar contract for the German navy follows a series of recent successful announcements by Marconi Avionics, Radar and Countermeasure Systems, based at Crewe Toll, Edinburgh.

Recent export awards include Seaspray orders for a Pacific Rim customer where the radar will equip the Super Lynx helicopter.

The Seaspray radar will also be supplied to the Kuwait navy as part of the Matra British Aerospace Dynamics Sea Skua SL missile system which forms the primary weapon system of the CMN P-37BRL fast patrol craft.

Source: Flight Daily News