


Videos clips that have appeared on flightglobal.com including Flight TV can be found at the new flightglobal group page at video sharing site YouTube. 

If you have aviation videos you would like to share with the Flight readers, upload them following the steps outlined right.

  1.  Make a video. Use your webcam, mobile phone, video camera or any
    other device to capture your video. Ensure you own the copyright, please.
  2. Sign in to YouTube.com and upload your video. Or if you don't have an account, go here. If you've never uploaded a video before, get instructions here.
  3. Join the group and add your video. Go to http://www.youtube.com/group/flightglobal and click "Join this Group".
    Then, submit your video for review.
  4. Wait and see if we select your video for wider viewing. We will post selected videos on the main flightblobal.com site periodically. So make sure your video is in with a chance by being in flightglobal.com's YouTube group.


Source: FlightGlobal.com