Refuelling, Changi Airport, Singapore, 2014-2

Why SAF is set to take off

Paid content by

Although challenges remain with scaling up aviation’s use of sustainable aviation fuel, it remains key to achieving the industry’s carbon targets

Decarbonisation article

Decarbonising aviation: mapping a flightpath to net-zero

Paid content by , By Jan Toschka, President, Shell Aviation

Aviation is vital for social and economic progress but if the world is to continue to benefit from flight, the sector must decarbonise.

Decarb Report

Decarbonising aviation: Cleared for Take-Off

What will it take to make aviation net zero by 2050? Download our report. Paid content by Shell Aviation

Carbon offset article

Investing in nature for a net-zero future

Paid content by , By Bryan Stonehouse, Head of Sustainability & Risk, Shell Aviation

Offsetting and nature’s role in aviation’s net-zero ambition


Navigating a net-zero future for aviation in Asia Pacific

Paid content by , By Jan Toschka, Global President, Shell Aviation

Decarbonising aviation requires a global effort. Shell is working with customers and partners across Asia Pacific to accelerate aviation’s pathway to net-zero emissions.

100 years of going beyond

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Shell Aviation officially celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2021. But as we mark this milestone by sharing stories of achievement and collaboration and collaboration we must look forward too – to reaching net-zero emissions