Czech Aircraft Works has begun a restoration programme for out-of-service Lake Aircraft Bucaneer and Renege amphibians powered by Textron Lycoming piston engines. Chip Erwin, chief executive of the company, based in Star‚ Mesto, near Brno in the Czech Republic, says there is a sizeable fleet of "written-off" aircraft the company plans to acquire and upgrade with Garmin 530 avionics, vortex generators and constant speed propellers.
Czech Aircraft Works plans to sell the reconditioned aircraft for around €125,000 ($151,000). The manufacturer is also developing a new light sport amphibious aircraft called the Mermaid, for which it has around 67 orders. The Rotax 912ULS-powered aircraft has undergone initial flotation, high-speed water and taxi-stability tests. Certification is planned for next year.
Source: Flight International