Embraer is eyeing the ageing regional jet fleet in the Asia-Pacific region as an opportunity to sell its 170/190 family in the market. In the 61-to 120-seat segment in the Asia-Pacific market there were 82 aircraft more than 20 years old - or 39% of the fleet in service in the region - still operating at the end of last year, says Orlando Jose Ferreira Neto, director of market intelligence. The manufacturer forecasts total deliveries of 225 61- to 90-seat regional jets between now and 2022, and 160 91- to 120-seaters during the period. The manufacturer has one letter of intent for the 170/190 family in the Asia-Pacific region, with Indian carrier Jet Airways finalising a contract for 175s following its letter of intent at Farnborough, says Neto.

Source: Flight International