Singapore Airlines posted a 13% fall in passenger traffic in July as the global economic downturn continued to affect demand.

RPKs fell by 13% from a year before, higher than the 12% fall in capacity, says the Star Alliance carrier. As a result, the passenger load factor fell by 1.3 percentage points to 79.7% from 81%.

In real terms, the number of passengers fell by 14% to 1.44 million in July.

"The global economic slowdown continues to impact on travel demand," says SIA. "With the exception of East Asia, West Asia and Africa, all other route regions registered lower passenger load factors compared to last year."

Cargo traffic fell 15% in terms of freight tonne kilometres and capacity dropped by 19%. As a result, cargo load factors improved by 3.3 percentage points to 63.6%, says SIA.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news