Singapore Airlines (SIA) is preparing to issue a new request for proposals (RFP) to Airbus and Boeing for mid-size widebodies in a competition that will pitch the A350 against the 787. The carrier will also consider additional Airbus A380 commitments versus orders for Boeing's proposed 747 Advanced.

Chief executive Chew Choon Seng confirmed to Flight International at a Star Alliance function in Kyoto, Japan, last week that the RFP may be issued in late June or July. He says SIA expects a deal for A350s or 787s will cover "at least 20" firm orders, which could be placed before the end of the year.

"We are going to put out a request for proposals to invite the two manufacturers to give us offers for a package of aircraft," says Chew. "Within that, we will be reviving the exercise for aircraft for short- and medium-haul routes, which will put the 787 against the A350."

The airline is mainly interested in operating aircraft seating about 250 passengers on flights of 6-7h, he adds. SIA has long said it needs an aircraft of this size to replace Airbus A310s, the last of which it phased out in 2003. Its fleet comprises Airbus A340-500s, Boeing 777-200/300s and 747-400s.

Offers on large aircraft, in part to replace the last of SIA's 747-400s as well as for growth, are also to be sought in the RFP, says Chew.

SIA already has A380s and 777-300ERs on order, but Chew says it needs more aircraft in the large-size category, and will consider ordering more A380s or the 747 Advanced. "Boeing is starting to make presentations to us on the 747 Advanced, so we will look at it," he reveals.


Source: Flight International