Singapore Airlines experienced a 6% fall in passenger traffic in October but says there are signs the market has bottomed out.

In October, RPKs fell 6% year-on-year and the number of passengers carried fell 10% to 1.45 million from 1.60 million, says the Star Alliance carrier.

SIA cut capacity by 10% so the passenger load factor increased 3.6 percentage points to 81.1% from 77.5%.

Termination of services to Amritsar (India), Los Angeles via Taipei, and Vancouver via Incheon contributed to the decline in capacity, it says.

Even though SIA posted another monthly fall in traffic, it says "there are encouraging signs that the decline in demand may have bottomed out."

Demand for premium classes is increasing, it adds.

In terms of cargo, revenue freight tonne kilometres fell 4% but capacity was down 13% so the cargo load factor rose six percentage points to 65.4% from 59.4%, it adds.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news
