Singapore's civil aviation authority has signed a new air services agreement with Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

The agreement with Peru is an open skies one that allows for unlimited passenger and cargo flights, as well as beyond rights to any city in the world, says the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS).

"The open skies agreement is even more liberal than conventional open skies agreements in that it provides unlimited hubbing rights for cargo operations," it adds.

"Singaporean carriers may utilise these rights and base their aircraft in any point in Peru, and use the point as a hub for cargo operations in third countries without any restriction on destination, frequency or capacity."

The air services agreement with Ecuador allows carriers from both sides to operate up to 56 weekly passenger flights between and beyond the two countries, says CAAS.

This agreement also includes an open skies arrangement for cargo operations with hubbing rights, it adds.

The Singapore-Colombia air services agreement, meanwhile, allows carriers from each country to operate up to eight passenger flights and cargo flights weekly.

The frequencies will increase to 14 weekly flights each by January 2011, it adds.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news