Exhibition firm Kallman Worldwide has signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with the leading aviation trade body in the United States, the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), aimed at boosting the US presence at international air shows.

Kallman chief executive Tom Kallman and AIA chief operating officer Robert Durbin signed the agreement in the presence of high level delegation from the US government, including the ambassador to Singapore Kirk Wagar, the head of the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Vice Adm Joseph Rixley, and Commerce department official Marcus Jadotte.

The pact was signed in the AIA’s operations centre, which is supporting the US military’s presence at the show.

“This event marks a continuation of AIA’s efforts to productively work in public-private partnerships with the US government and with groups like Kallman Worldwide to expand our industry’s ability to promote economic growth, technological innovation, and our nation’s long-term security interests,” says Durbin.

“We’re proud to enter into this agreement and firmly believe it will help us as we build the cooperative ties that are so important to the peace, stability, and prosperity of the region.”

Kallman notes that the US firms represent the largest single block of exhibitors at this year’s show, comprising some 140 companies taking up nearly 30% of the show’s indoor exhibit space. He says Kallman has a key advocacy role in the industry, encouraging US aerospace firms to invest in representation at international trade events.

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Source: FlightGlobal.com