Alenia Sky XThe Sky-X unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV), designed and developed by Alenia Aeronautica, is making its first appearance in the UAE at Dubai air show.
The Sky-X, on display in the static area, is designed to explore a wide range of civil and security missions, specifically ground observation, surveillance and reconnaissance.
Alenia recently said it was willing to conduct operations of the technology demonstrator for military and industry users, after the aircraft resumed flight tests at Sweden’s Vidsel range.
Phase 1 of the programme is due for completion this year. It has focused on expanding the air vehicle’s flight envelope, developing its autopilot, navigation, datalink and tracking systems and demonstrating its semi-autonomous take-off and landing capability.
The air vehicle is 6.9m (22.6ft) long, with a 5.8m wingspan, swept-back wing and ‘butterfly’ style tail surfaces.
The Sky-X made its maiden flight in May this year from the Vidsel base located near the Arctic Circle.

Source: Flight Daily News