Julian Moxon/PARIS

Snecma has completed its merger of Hurel-Dubois and Hispano-Suiza Aerostructures to create Hurel-Hispano, the world's third largest nacelle manufacturer. The company is targeting the services sector as one of its major growth areas.

The president of the merged entity, Christian Knapp, says the company will have sales of €500 million ($490 million) "but we expect that to grow significantly".

The merger will contribute an estimated 5-10% reduction in costs within two years, says Knapp. The company is split into three separate business units at Le Havre, the Netherlands, Meudon, near Paris and Burnley in the UK.

The nacelles business is dominated by sales of new equipment, accounting for 74% of total sales. The rest is made up mainly of aerostructures (11%), composite engine components (7%), services (6%) and other areas.

"We expect the services business to expand to around 20% in the next three or four years," says Knapp. "It is one of the major areas of development." The expansion will be possible, he adds, "using our existing international presence through Snecma's other subsidiaries, such as Messier Services".

Hurel-Hispano has a "very well balanced portfolio", says Knapp, with long-range aircraft accounting for 37% of business, medium-range 31%, regional aircraft 25% and defence and aeronautical equipment accounting for 7%.


Completion of the merger coincides with company efforts to secure a major boost to business by bidding to supply the Airbus A380 nacelles. The company is competing with BFGoodrich as part of a 50:50 venture with Airbus and is offering to supply nacelles for A380 engines supplied by Rolls-Royce, and the General Electric-Pratt &Whitney Engine Alliance.

Khan says Airbus has asked the manufacturers to prepare two A380 designs - one for the inner nacelle, which will be fitted with a thrust reverser, and the other for the outer nacelle, which will not.

Source: Flight International
