By Helen Massy-Beresford in Tarbes

EADS Socata is planning to transfer production of its TB20 and TB21 piston-engine aircraft to Romania and revamp the product line with the addition of a third variant – currently known only as TB2X – to be powered by an SMA diesel-cycle engine.

Socata is in talks with the Romanian government and hopes to have an agreement in place this year, says the group’s vice-president general aviation, Jacques Lordon, adding that the target for first aircraft deliveries is 2007.

Socata would subcontract work to Eurocopter Romania, which would share the production with its Romanian state-owned partner IAR at its Brasov site.

Production of the range of piston-engine aircraft – principally the TB20 and TB21 types with retractable gears – now takes place at Tarbes in south-west France, and is only in response to specifi c orders.

Socata’s vice-president of marketing Andrew Knott says there could be a market for as many as 100 of the revamped aircraft a year. He adds that other improvements would probably include an avionics upgrade. He predicts that the aircraft’s customer base would mirror that of the company’s turboprop line, with around 80% of sales in the USA.

The company is meanwhile aiming to produce 42 of its new TBM850 turboprops (pictured below) this year and has 36 orders in place for the aircraft, four of which have already been delivered. “We’re confident we’ll meet the target of 42 aircraft this year and take orders for next year,” says president and chief executive Stéphane Mayer.

EADS Socata TBM850 W445
© French Frogs AirSlides

Production rates are increasing to four a month to achieve this target, but maximum capacity for production of the aircraft could eventually reach 70 a year. Socata is aiming to expand its geographical reach with the new aircraft, targeting South America and the Asia-Pacific region in particular.

Production is expected to increase by at least another 50% next year, Knott says.

Mayer says Socata will decide later on the TBM700’s future. This year all production capacity will be taken up by the new aircraft.

Read Helen Massy-Beresford's encounter with John Hinshaw, Socata's first very proud first customer for the TBM850 high-speed turboprop, who had come to see his 'baby' being born

Source: Flight International