Spaceflight pic of the week 16 June 2006 

This week's picture is from a series of unique pictures from the Flight International spaceflight archive, which goes back to the very beginning of the space age.

Are you able to tell us the event pictured above? What is the mission? Tell us your thoughts and send us your own amusing caption by emailing Rob Coppinger, Flight International's space reporter.  Answers and winning caption will be published next week. Please supply a physical location in your message.

Spaceflight pic of week 09062006

“After six hours hanging around: Ok Georg, nice joke Georg, now...OPEN!!!...THE!!!...DOOOOOOR!”
Robert Spieler Klagenfurt, Austria

“Ok, who has the keys?”
Marc Passy in Illinois, US

“Well… I’m really not that keen at all on these new exterior toilets!”
Dany Hilven, Heusden-Zolder,Belgium

Thanks to you for supplying the captions.  Thanks to Marc Passy in
Illinois, US
and Robert Spieler Klagenfurt in Austria for guessing last weeks image.  Thanks to all of the other readers who suggested an explanation.

Last week's
image shows a double keel design for the International space Station when it was called Freedom, from the 1980s and in view is a concept of what the European Columbus module could look like, from the Italian aerospace company, Aeritalia. It's now called Alenia Aeronautica. Also in view are modules from NASA and Japan's then National Space Development Agency of Japan, now called the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

Source: Flight International
