Star Alliance is hoping to follow the addition of TAM into the alliance by expanding its co-location efforts to the Brazilian carrier's Sao Paulo Guarulhos airport base.

Talks have already begun with Brazilian airport operator Infraero on a co-location move, an initiative the alliance has embarked on to co-locate its carriers at the same terminal at key airports.

Speaking during a press conference in Sao Paulo to mark TAM's decision to join Star Alliance, the airline's commercial and planning VP, Paulo Castello Branco says: "The advantages are not just for airlines and customers but it can also reduce costs for airport operators themselves."

He says talks have already begun with the airport's operator Infraero and the airline says Infraero is thinking positively about the project. "I think in 2009 we will be able have Star Alliance housed in one terminal," says Branco.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news
