All articles by Stephen Trimble – Page 38

  • Dynetics SGM

    Dynetics unveils new glide bomb with 16kg warhead


    ​Alabama-based Dynetics has unveiled a design for a 27kg-class guided bomb with a warhead significantly larger than even heavier munitions, such as the 50kg-class Lockheed Martin AGM-114 Hellfire.

  • longitude

    Cessna powers-on first Citation Longitude


    ​Cessna on 13 June announced activating the electric power system on the first Citation Longitude, completing a key milestone only three weeks after mating the wing and fuselage of the super-midsize twin-jet.

  • News

    New Boeing executive calls for bold judgment calls


    ​In his first public appearance, Boeing’s newly-appointed head of commercial aircraft development challenged his staff to take a bold approach to designing new products, emphasizing the value engineering judgment calls over strictly adhering to bureaucratic processes and a slavish devotion to the data.

  • MC-21 roll-out

    PICTURES: Irkut rolls-out MC-21 airliner in bid for single-aisle share


    Russia on 8 June publicly unveiled the Irkut-led bid for a slice of the surging world market for single-aisle aircraft, joining rivals from Canada and China to challenge the American and European behemoths.

  • Analysis

    ANALYSIS: Mexico aerospace industry growing beyond low-cost roots


    ​Mexico is a land of industrial contradictions. The average daily wage for a common labourer is $4, but factory executives often earn more than their counterparts in the USA. News headlines scream of rampant violence, especially along the eastern and western coasts and northern and southern borders yet most factory ...

  • JAGM

    JAGM beats Hellfire capability in early live-fire test


    ​The US Army has proven in a recent live-fire test that a MQ-1 Gray Eagle with a Lockheed Martin joint air to ground missile (JAGM) can beat the capability offered today by the AGM-114 Hellfire against moving targets.

  • Lockheed T-50A

    Lockheed flies first T-50A in hunt for USAF trainer bid


    ​Lockheed Martin staged the first flight of an updated version of the T-50 trainer co-developed with Korean Aerospace Industries to compete for the US Air Force T-X contract on 2 June in Sacheon, South Korea, the company says.

  • F-22

    USAF calls for a "penetrating counterair" study in 2017


    The US military will lose air superiority by 2030 unless a host of new capabilities and sweeping changes to acquisition processes can be adopted and fielded within the next 14 years, including a new penetrating counter-air system, the US Air Force says in a newly-released strategy document.

  • SIA A350-900

    Lithium ion batteries fly again on A350-900


    Battery supplier Saft has clarified that Airbus installed and delivered the first A350-900 equipped with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries to a customer at the end of last year.

  • News

    Airbus sales chief doubles-down on CSeries attack


    Airbus’ top salesman is doubling-down with his long-running attack on the Bombardier CSeries family, arguing Delta Air Lines’ recent order for what he calls the “cute, little airplane” is not the breakthrough order that his Canadian competitor claims.

  • KC-46

    KC-46A boom problem busts USAF schedule


    The US Air Force has delayed a full-rate production decision for the KC-46A Pegasus until August and deliveries to the first operational unit will come about three to six months late, and even then will lack one critical system for at least another 12 months.

  • Icon A5

    Icon A5 production slowdown amid customer backlash


    ​Icon Aircraft has slowed production for the A5 amphibian from 175 aircraft this year to 20 and revised a controversial purchase agreement after a backlash from customers.

  • Gulfstream G150

    EBACE: Gulfstream's course for midsize segment undecided


    ​Gulfstream’s future in the mid-size market is “yet to be determined”, says chief executive Mark Burns.

  • News

    Textron's new focus on product development


    ​A static test aircraft and pieces of the first four of five planned flight test aircraft for the Cessna Citation Longitude are coming together on a makeshift assembly line inside the formerly empty bay of a Textron Aviation building known as Plant III.

  • News

    EBACE: G500 stays home with eye on early delivery


    ​Gulfstream ditched a plan to fly the G500 business jet to display at EBACE in order to focus on completing flight tests as quickly as possible, with an eye on delivering the first aircraft ahead of schedule, says chief executive Mark Burns.

  • BBJ MAX 9

    737 Max 7 review could lead to 7,000nm BBJ: Boeing


    Boeing Business Jets is already considering the potential longer-range version of the 737 Max 7 to fill a pre-existing gap in the VIP version of the single-aisle family, even as the airframer's Commercial Airplanes unit studies the proposed redesign.

  • News

    EBACE: First Legacy 450 with full interior lands in Geneva


    ​An Embraer Legacy 450 has touched down at Geneva Airport, carrying the first full production interior for the mid-size jet to display at the EBACE convention.

  • G600 wing mating

    EBACE: Gulfstream accelerates first flight of G600


    ​Gulfstream announced today that the scheduled first flight the G600 business jet should come a few months early in the fourth quarter of 2016.

  • Legacy 500 LCY 640

    Flexjet demonstrates London steep approach with Legacy 500


    ​On the eve of the EBACE convention, Flexjet demonstrated its newly-acquired Embraer Legacy 500 business jet has mastered the steep approach required to land at London City airport.

  • CS300 first flight

    Bombardier chief calls out industry criticism of CSeries


    ​Linking the CSeries to the invention of the 50-seat regional jet, chief executive Alain Bellemare told an audience of high-ranking executives that Bombardier’s high-stakes bet on the 100-150-seat jet market will be vindicated, even as called on his industry rivals to refrain from criticizing innovative projects.