Russian Freighter A jet freighter, designed by Ilyushin and known as the Il-20, is reported to have been introduced on Russian internal routes. First mention of the new aircraft was made by Moscow radio, who stated that it "is now being used for carrying to Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk of matrices of Pravda, Izvestia and Krasnaya Zverda and other Moscow newspapers, so that readers 3,000 km away in Novosibirsk may get their morning newspapers at the same time as Muscovites."

Louis Bréguet By the death of Louis Bréguet the world loses almost the last of the legendary figures of the pioneer days of aviation in France. Seventy-five years of age, the managing director and chief engineer of the Bréguet company died at his Paris home on May 4th. Few men in the aeronautical industries of any country can have maintained such an unbroken record of inventive and productive ingenuity.

British Manpower Employment in the British aircraft industry continues to rise at a rate of about 2,000 a month. January figures, recently issued, showed a total of 240,900 – an increase of 1,900 on the previous month and of 11,700 since January 1954. The figures relate only to men and women employed on airframes, engines, airscrews and under-carriages; they do not include other component or sub-contract work.

International debut On May 16th Deutsche Lufthansa enter a new phase with the beginning of their regular international operations. Proving flights with Convair 340s have been made over all routes. All four Convairs are in service and three of the four tip-tanked L.1049G Super Constellations for North Atlantic operations have now been delivered. Chancellor Adanauer used a Super Connie for his journey to Paris on May 7th.

Source: Flight International