Dubai airshow organisers are using Asian Aerospace 2000 to give feedback to their exhibitors - and to sell space for next year's show.

Dubai 2001 has received its strongest global industry support in the Dubai airshow's 11-year history with almost 60% of the available space reserved some 22 months in advance of the event.

Companies from 16 countries have reserved space for the show, which will be held 4-8 November 2001 at the purpose-built $100-million Airport Expo Dubai venue which was specifically designed to host the Dubai airshow and was opened in November 1999 for Dubai 2000.

"In terms of re-booking and reservations, Dubai 2000 was our most successful show yet," says Virginia Kern, chairman of Fairs and Exhibitions, which organises the event. "We not only have exhibitors confirming they'll be back in 2001 but a good number committing to increasing the size of their participation."

Mainstream players which have already reserved space include: ATR of France, Rostvertol of Russia, Lufthansa Technik of Germany, Rapiscan, GE Engines, Boeing, Raytheon, Honeywell and Lockheed from the USA, Marconi and Rolls-Royce of the UK as well as Hellenic Aerospace Industry of Greece.

Fairs and Exhibitions also has early day commitments for the staging of national/industry pavilions from eight nations. "This is an excellent start to our marketing," adds Kern. Pavilions already being planned for 2001 will represent Germany, the USA, UK, France, Italy, Russia, The Netherlands and South Africa.

Kern reports that Dubai 2000 attracted more than 30,000 visitors from 90 countries. "Visitor figures were up 5% on Dubai '97 and much in line with what we had anticipated given that this is an industry-only show.

"The geographic spread of visitors - from 90 countries throughout the Middle and Near East, Indian subcontinent, Asia, the CIS, Africa, Australia, Europe and the US - gives credence to our claim that this is now a truly international event serving the global aerospace industry."

Dubai 2000 also saw the Dubai airshow's most successful delegations programme to date with top rank military and civil delegations from more than 50 countries.

The trade-only policy and strong delegations programme helped bring about a $713-million tally in the deals the exhibitors confirmed were concluded at the show, though the 400-plus media corps from more than 22 countries which attended put the final figure at over $2 billion.

Fairs and Exhibitions are present at Changi and chief executive Clive Richardson (Stand C128) is available to discuss arrangements with any potential exhibitors.

Source: Flight Daily News