Europe last week submitted its first written submission in support of its challenge at the World Trade Organisation against state support for Boeing, claiming the US airframer will have benefited from more than $23 billion worth of subsidies between 1987 and 2024.

The written submission marks the next stage in the European Union's counter claim to the US case complaining of EU government support for Airbus, and in particular the continued granting of launch aid by European governments. Initial written submissions from both sides in that case have already been heard and the first panel meetings at the WTO were held in Geneva on 20 and 21 March.

The EU argues that subsidies have been granted at federal, state and local levels including from NASA and Department of Defense R&D support, foreign sales, corporation subsidies and tax breaks, plus infrastructure support at state and local levels.

The USA will present its written defence to the European claims on 14 June and the first panel hearings are set to begin on 11 July. Further rounds of written submissions and panel hearings are due in the cases before final WTO panel reports are expected at the end of October in the US case against Europe, and on 7 April 2008 in the European case against the USA.

Source: Flight International