Rolls-Royce Aero Engine Services has won overhaul contracts worth $98.6 million.

Airtours, China Eastern and Britannia Airways have all signed new long-term contracts, while Air 2000 and American Trans Air are extending existing contracts.

Lockheed Aeromod Centers has won a contract to perform heavy maintenance on six B727-200s for United Airlines.

Thompson-CSF has been awarded a contract to supply and install the air traffic control system at Barahona airport in the Dominican Republic.

Bedek Aviation Group has won maintenance contracts worth $55 million from Airborne Express.

General Electric's CF34-8C engine has been selected to power Bombardier's planned Canadair CRJ-X.

FlightSafety and Yunnan Tobacco are to set up a flight training centre in Kunming, China.


Source: Airline Business