All Swedish Air Force articles – Page 2

  • News

    Sweden extends jet trainer use to consider T-X outcome


    Sweden is to further extend the operational use of its Saab 105 (SK60) jet trainers until the middle of the next decade, to enable it to consider the Boeing/Saab T-X platform as a potential replacement.

  • Gripen RBS15s - Saab

    Gripen E to gain enhanced anti-ship missile


    Sweden will equip its future fleet of Gripen E fighters with an extended-range version of the Saab/Diehl Defence-produced RBS15 anti-ship missile, under a project worth SKr3.2 billion ($358 million).

  • Gripen E - Saab

    Gripen E flight slips into 2017 as Saab puts software first


    Saab has opted to delay the first flight schedule for its Gripen E by up to six months to meet self-imposed software qualification requirements, but says the fighter remains on schedule for delivery to the Swedish and Brazilian air forces from 2019.

  • News

    FARNBOROUGH: Swedish air force hails Meteor missile introduction


    MBDA's Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile has achieved operational status, with the Swedish air force's MS20 software-standard Saab Gripen the first to field the European weapon.

  • Saab 105 - Saab

    Swedish air force considers trainer options


    ​Sweden’s air force commander hopes to advance a competition to replace the service’s Saab 105 (Sk 60) jet trainers from late this decade, while it also works to extend the life of its veteran air transport fleet.

  • Gripen C MS20 - Saab

    Meteor introduction transforms Swedish air defence


    Sweden’s air force has begun fielding the new MS20-standard software for its Saab Gripen C/D fleet, representing a significant increase in operational capability.

  • Gripen E teaser - Saab

    Saab ready to reveal first Gripen E


    ​Saab is on course to conduct the first flight of its lead Gripen E test aircraft before year-end, with the jet to be revealed at its Linköping site in Sweden on 18 May.

  • News

    SINGAPORE: New IFF system ordered for Gripen NG


    Saab Gripen NGs destined for Sweden and Brazil will benefit from a new Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system developed for integration on the fighter.

  • Gripen NG mock-up - Brazilian air force

    Finmeccanica and Saab team for Gripen EW support


    Finmeccanica and Saab have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to provide electronic warfare systems support, which is initially being targeted at customers of the latter’s Gripen fighter.

  • Gripen 39-8 - Saab

    DUBAI: New-generation Gripen enters final assembly


    ​Saab has lifted the joined fuselage section for its first Gripen NG prototype into final assembly, and says its programme is on track to deliver advanced capability to Sweden and export customer Brazil.

  • Gripen Cs - Craig Hoyle

    PARIS: Swedish air force chief holds firm on fleet size


    ​With quick reaction alert sorties now occurring on a daily basis and the government in Stockholm demanding increased operational readiness, the Swedish air force is no longer feeling generous about sparing some of its Saab Gripens to support export customers.

  • Saab 105 - Saab

    Sweden launches future military pilot training contest


    ​Sweden has initiated a process to replace its air force’s fleet of Saab 105 (SK 60) jet trainers with a new Military Flying Training System (MFTS), planned for introduction by the end of this decade.

  • Swedish air force KC-130H

    KC-390 or A400M could lift Swedish air force capability


    ​The Swedish air force is likely to field a replacement for its aged Lockheed Martin C-130H tactical transports at some point during the next decade, with potential candidates including the Embraer KC-390 and Airbus A400M.

  • Gripen Cs - Craig Hoyle

    Sweden to boost operational readiness with Gripen


    The Swedish government has outlined its defence priorities for the period to 2020, with new measures to include increasing the number of fully operational Saab Gripen squadrons and potentially ordering a further 10 E-model examples.

  • Saab Gripen FS

    Selex gets IRST contract for Gripen E fighter


    ​Saab has awarded Selex ES a production contract for the Skyward-G infrared search and track (IRST) system, with the deal covering equipment to be installed with the Swedish air force’s future Gripen E fleet.

  • Last Swedish Gripen C - pay Gunnar Akerberg

    PICTURE: Swedish air force receives its last Gripen C


    ​Saab has delivered its final Gripen C ordered for the Swedish air force, with the fighter having been flown from its Linköping final assembly site to Kallinge air base near Ronneby on 19 March.

  • Gripen NG Brazil

    Brazil begins flight training on Gripen


    The first two Brazilian pilots to undergo training for the Saab Gripen NG multirole fighter have completed their first flight on the type: a 50min training sortie conducted over the Baltic Sea on 19 November.

  • Gripen E Brazil - Saab

    Saab nears Gripen contract with Brazil


    Saab says it is on track to sign a contract with Brazil to provide its air force with the Gripen NG multirole fighter, following the nation's selection of the type for a 36-aircraft purchase in December 2013.

  • Gripen E Brazil - Saab

    Saab gets latest Gripen E development contract


    ​Saab has received its latest contract from Sweden’s Defence Materiel Administration linked to development of the Gripen E multirole fighter.

  • Czech Gripen - Saab

    Slovakia creeps closer to Gripen agreement


    ​The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Sweden have signed a letter of intent agreeing to cooperate on using the Saab JAS-39 Gripen combat fighter, paving way for a potential Slovakian acquisition of the aircraft.